Command Summery


QBot Returns informative QBot data.
QCopyright Provides information regarding QBot's license.
QPing Returns the bot ping to the Discord gateway.
QStats Shows important QBot runtime statistics.
QRuntime Shows detailed runtime statistics.
QMemoryUsage Returns the memory usage of the QBot process.
QVersion Returns the current QBot version it's running.
QUptime Returns for how long QBot has been online for.
QGuildCount Returns how many guilds QBot is serving.
QPatreon Returns QBot's Patreon page for donations.
Server Commands
Q | Query Initialises the virtual assistant. (Go to Query documents)
QReport [User] [Reason] Reports a user to the server staff and administration. Slowmode applies.
QFlag [Message ID] Report a message to the server staff team. Slowmode applies.
QAutoMod The current status of the AutoMod module.
QDebug Returns ID information.
QServer Displays current guild information and statistics.
QChannel Displays current channel information.
QRole [Role | add | rem] [User?] [Role?] Displays role information or manages them.
QUser [User?] Returns basic user information.
QMember [User?] Displays in-depth guild member information.
QId [User | me | self | guild | channel | voice] Returns related developer ID information.
QWhoAmI Quickly returns your user tag.
QRoles [User?] Displays all the roles of the specified user.
QAge [User?] Returns the time since account and join dates.
QProfile [User?] Displays compiled user data, including level and basic information.
QActivity [User?] Returns the activity or AFK status of the specified user.
QAvatar [User?] Returns the targetted user's profile image.
QIcon Displays the current server's image.
QOnline Shows the status of the guild.
QMemberCount Returns how many users the guild has.
QMemberCount+ Displays in-depth member count information.
QBanCount Returns the amount of banished users of the server.
QInvite Generates an invite for the guild.
QHelp [SearchQuery?] Searches a command based on a query or links this page.
QDictionary [SearchQuery] | QD [SearchQuery] Search the term dictionary of QBot features.
QDocs [Target?] Defines documentations links and posts them into the chat.
QLinks [Target?] Defines helpful QBot links and posts them into the chat.