Command Summery
QBot is known for its moderation statistics & capabilities. Retain your server complete with QBot's wide diversity of moderation and management commands. All the moderation and administration commands are listed below and can be searched with QHelp [SearchQuery]. All reasons are optional, and including -s in the command will silence the response of QBot, despite still sending a log in the reports channel of the server.
Commands requiring the Manage Messages permission. | |
QClear [#] | Clears a number of messages in the current channel. |
QPurge [User] [#] | Clears a number of messages from a user. |
QPrune [me | self | bots | users | all | links | invites | images | embeds] [#] |
Clears a number of messages with a given filter. |
QSlowmode [Period | off] | Restricts users to only send one message per this specified interval. |
QPanic | Automatically restricts users from sending messages normally. |
QWarn [User] [Reason?] | Informs a user with a comment, this does not affect anything. |
Commands requiring the Mute Members permission. | |
QTimeout [User] [Period?] -s | Disallows a user from chaining messages. |
QDeafen [User] [Period?] -s | Server-deafens a user while in a voice channel. |
QTempmute [User] [Period] [Reason?] -s -d | Temporarily mutes a specified user for a set amount of time. |
QMute [User] [Reason?] -s -d | Permanently mutes a specified user in the server. |
QUnmute [User] [Reason?] -s | Unmutes a specified user from their mute. |
Commands requiring the Move Members permission. | |
QVMove [VoiceChannel] | Moves an entire voice channel of people to another. |
QVKick [User | VoiceChannel] | Disconnects an entire voice channel of people or a user. |
Commands requiring the Mute and Ban Members permissions. | |
QMutelist | Displays all the muted users of the current server. |
QBanlist [ID?] | Displays all the banished users of the current server. Add the ID to view statistics of the ban. |
Commands requiring the Kick Members or Ban Members permission. | |
QKick [User] [Reason?] -s | Kicks a user from the current server. |
QSoftban [User] [Reason?] -s | Kicks a user from the server and removes their messages. |
QTempban [User] [Period] [Reason?] -s -ds | Temporarily banishes a user from the current server. |
QPreban [User ID] [Reason?] -s -ds | Banishes a user externally from the server. |
QBan [User] [Reason?] -s -ds | Permanently banishes a user from the current server. |
QLog [User | IDs?] [#] Permission - Manage Messages |
Logs an amount of messages in the reports channel. Amount depends on user, given amount, or provided message IDs. |
QPunishment [User] Permission - Manage Messages |
Suggests a punishment to take on the user submitted, using Query's Suggestions Engine. |